Dear Parents and students,
Like an oasis in the desert, BLISS will quench the thirst for quality English-medium education for hundreds of parents, children, and community members. In an area where there are hardly any officers in the Defense Forces, Police, IAS, IFS, engineers, CAs, etc., BLISS aims to provide a launching pad for aspiring students, both girls and boys, towards a fulfilling career of their choice.

As a mother myself, I have struggled to provide quality education to my children. With the operationalization of BLISS, I am confident that many mothers, like me, will be delighted to see their children embarking on the path of quality education and all-around development, thereby empowering them for life.

I congratulate all the faculty and staff for the successful launch of BLISS. May the Divine bless BLISS and guide us in our noble endeavor for many years to come.


Thank you,
Sincerely yours,

Radha Choudhary
Director, BLISS


Summery About The Director

As a school, this institution has to fulfill the expectations of society that its young generation is successfully trained to brighten themselves towards self-sustenance as well as carry forward its legacy. What could this school do but use academics to achieve this legitimate social fulfillment!

We have taken into consideration two aspects of modern learning; one, that every learner’s abilities are more complex than their scores on standardized tests, and two, that there is something seriously amiss in the contemporary obsession with economic growth, domination of technology over nature and the mad rush for competition. So, two seminal modes of holistic education are applied here, one for the early childhood learners as a way of cultivating the moral, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical dimensions along with intellect; the other for the upper and board class students as a way of creating their high caliber of employability yet more than the narrowness of simply molding them into future cloned workers or citizens. Still, that holistic education is in contrast with mainstream education, too much of it vied against the pressure of contemporary syllabus and competition would be proverbially like looking to London and talking to Tokyo. This school applies it only rationally.

How we make it happen materializes on the fact that we pick up the right teachers, strive to prompt effectiveness in their teaching, ensure that the academic infrastructure is updated to the modern parameters, and then see to it that all this readiness is actually delivered to the student.